
60 Creative Ideas for Elf On The Shelf!

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It’s that time of year again! The time where the Elf on the Shelf makes their appearance back into homes throughout the world. There is nothing more exciting for a child than racing around the house each morning to see where their Elf is or what mischief they have caused. But sometimes it might feel like Elf duty is a full-time job for a parent! Good news because we are sharing 60 creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas to help make your job easier. Including some funny elf on the shelf ideas, easy elf on the shelf ideas, and some great elf on the shelf name ideas.  

elf on the shelf long pin

What are the two rules for my new Elf on the Shelf

The first rule is children are NOT allowed to touch your elf or it will lose its magic.

The second rule is the elf will not speak or move while your children are awake. The elf will only move at night when it returns to the North Pole.  Once it returns home, it will be found in a new spot.  Have no fear, I have 60 really creative ideas for moving your elf on the shelf into cute new positions and situations.

elf on the shelf im back

What is Elf on the Shelf? 

The Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition that is centered around a special Scout who is sent to your home to encourage kids to behave in the days leading up to Christmas.  According to the story, your Elf returns to the North Pole each night, to report on whether your children were naughty or nice.

How to Name Your Elf on the Shelf?

Before your Elf starts hiding you and your kids will need to name your Elf. This helps your kids bond with your Elf so they feel comfortable telling all their secrets to them to share with Santa. Here are some ideas to get you and your kids thinking:

  • Buddy
  • Buster
  • Elfie
  • Twinkle 
  • Jingles
  • Dash
  • Cocoa 
  • Lela
  • Bell 
  • Topper
  • Hope
  • Winter
  • Ginger
  • Jinx

The sky really is the limit when naming your elf! 

Planning Your Creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas

The secret of success when finding creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas is planning. You will want to print a calendar that you can then plan out where and what your elf will do. (Don’t worry we have all your creative Elf on the Shelf ideas you need below!) Once you plan out each day, you can then gather supplies now which makes each spot even easier. 

Just keep all your supplies hidden and pull them out as needed. 

Creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas

With these 60 creative and easy Elf on the Shelf ideas, you will have ideas to last you well past Christmas morning. And you will have the happiest kids talking about what their elf did all month long. 

Looking for more Elf fun? Check these posts out!

Elf on the Shelf White Hot Chocolate

Elf Candy Jar Gift

Elf on the Shelf Rocket Ship

elf on the shelf im back

  • Make Snow angels on the counter with flour.

  • Place tiny marshmallows in your bathroom sink and place Elf inside for a “bubble bath”.

  • Have Elf toilet paper your Christmas tree.

  • Use fishing line across the room and make Zipline for Elf.

  • Use lipstick and write a message on the bathroom mirror.

  • Make a rock climbing wall out of bows for Elf to climb up.

elf on the shelf climbing rock wall

  • Place marshmallow on toothpick and roast over a blown-out candle.

  • Little suitcase and Elf in freezer holding a sign that says “Homesick”.

  • Leave a note with Scrabble tiles.

  • Place Elf drinking colored milk out of a straw, in the refrigerator

elf on the shelf drinking colored milk

  • Place under the tree with wrapping paper, and scotch tape ( as if he were trying to wrap presents).

  • Build a snowman with large marshmallows.

  • Place kid’s undies on the tree.

  • Elf in the freezer eating an ice cream cone.

  • Draw Elf hats on everyone in a family picture with a Dry Erase marker.

  • Have Elf type up a letter of what your child has done that week. {good and bad} so they know Elf is watching!

  • Wrap the kid’s bedroom door with wrapping paper and leave Elf next to the door with tape and scraps of wrapping paper.

  • Wrap Elf in Christmas lights.

elf on the shelf haning in lights

  • For the boys- Elf lines up all of the matchbox cars on the floor

  • For the girls – Elf is hanging out with the Barbie dolls. (if you have a Barbie car, place Elf in there! )

  • Place one marshmallow on end each of a toothpick and use it as a barbell for Elf working out.

  • If you have a Nativity set, Place Elf in the manger rocking Baby Jesus.

  • Sit him, fishing for goldfish, on the ledge of your toilet.  Add blue food coloring to toilet water.

elf on the shelf fishing

  • Place the kids stuffed animals on the couch with popcorn and Elf in the middle holding the remote.

  • You can also place a trail of popcorn leading down to the couch if you do the one above.

  • Fill the kitchen up enough with water and add some bubbles. Place Elf on a miniature inflatable pool float.  

elf on the shelf pool float

  • Hang Elf on the Ceiling fan or from a chandelier.

  • Place Elf on the Tree with a small note from Santa mentioning something the kids did the day before.

  • Stick Elf in a stocking holding a candy cane for each child in the house as a treat for that day.

  • Build A Lego tower in front of the Christmas tree and Place Elf on the top.

  • Paint kid’s noses red when they are sleeping. Then Place Elf on the counter with a red brush in hand and a note saying “ Go Look in the mirror”

  • Laundry fight and have clothes everywhere in the kid’s room when they wake up.

  • Write a message on a snow-covered car window. (Pending snow of course!)

  • Sitting in front of a laptop looking at pictures of Santa and friends.

elf on the shelf watching santa

  • Sit in shoes, holding shoe laces as if going on a sleigh ride.

  • Have Elf Cutting coupons!!! -This would be my favorite of course 😉

  • Have Elf on Mom & Dad’s dresser wearing a piece of mom’s jewelry.

  • Have Elf cut toy pictures that your children circled from a catalog and glue to paper with a note saying “Bring to Santa”

  • Turn all the kitchen chairs backward, placing your elf on top of one of them.

  • Write a secret message to your child in invisible ink.

  • Sew on a sewing machine.

  • Sitting on the counter next to Keurig holding a Kcup.

  • Cover a room with Post-it notes everywhere and then Elf holding a few.

  • Draw a picture of an Elf on your kid’s homework and leave it on the table before putting it in their backpack.

  • Caught sneaking candy from the candy dish.

  • Reading the newspaper.

  • Grab a Christmas coloring book and place it on the kitchen table as a small gift for a child when they wake up and have Elf holding a crayon next to the book.

  • Hanging from the shower curtain with a towel on. (Make towel out of tissue or toilet paper. )

  • Leave a new book out for your child the next morning. Search Children’s Christmas Books on Amazon Here

  • Found next to a chocolate bar with chocolate all over his/her face.

  • Elf wearing headphones lying next to the iPhone or iPod.

  • Leave a little peppermint poop in the toilet.

elf on the shelf peppermint poop

  • Found sleeping in a dollhouse, doll bed, cradle.

  • Have him riding Train set (if you have one around the tree)

  • Place Elf in the Cookie Jar.

  • Trying to shave with Daddy’s razor or buzzer. Place shaving cream on Elf’s Face too!

  • Playing dress-up with Barbie’s clothes.

  • Sliding down the banister.

  • Building an igloo out of sugar cubes.

  • When all else fails, quarantine can be a lifesaver. 

elf on a shelf quarantine


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